Friday, February 27, 2009


i would of never thought it
everyone knew but me
my fam warned me
all my friends weren't that surprised
you really had me there
and i was the fool who played along

now when i walk the mission
it's hard not to get sentimental
riding BART to San Leandro
makes my stomach hurt
i want zachery's pizza to move to silver lake

when i put my shoes in the bin
before taking a flight from LA
going through the metal protector
while i gather my purse, i think of you
and wonder if you arrested anyone today

riding the metro bus
and i'm watching an old lady
use her purse to hide her 40 oz
she keeps talking to herself
and reminds the bus driver that he's on vacation
it's only 8:14 a.m

did you know that i was still crying over you
a year after my life changed
the early stages of anew
brought back some of the crap from the past

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i can't do it captain

the LACC spring semester started yesterday and i was pretty stoked. unfortunately when i left my elementary algebra class, i wanted to cry because she gave us A LOT of homework. like a good hour, hour and a half of it. i got home and i started doing the problems, then i realized it was already going on 11:00 pm. i haven't showered, got out of my clothes and i started crying.

granted this was only the first day of the semester. but something in my gut was telling me this week was going to drag like no other. i like going to school. i like learning new things and i like to push myself hard, especially on math and english. but taking political science on thursday, which shouldn't be too bad, feels like a total drag. if i would continue with taking political science on thursday evening, basically i don't have any time to do anything else. i already didn't have any time last month to buy groceries since i was in class 4 times a week. i feel that taking a thursday evening class will not make me like school. i already work 40 hrs a week at my job and that does take up my time because i got to pay the bills. i want to keep liking that i am in school and i don't want to feel trapped.

when i was thinking about all of this last night, i felt like i had a flash of what my year was going to look like and it made me sad. i don't want to feel sad about school. school is suppose to be a uplifting and an awesome experience, not something that you're forcing yourself into because you have to. some of my close friends were a little concerned that i might be taking on too much. at the time, i really thought i was able to take it on. now i know better. :) i am always going to keep trying to get closer and closer to getting my A.A degree in Liberal Arts. i know many people in my life that are still trying to attend college, while balance their own life with their families, etc.

instead of beating myself up over this, i am just going to keep my sanity and drop the thursday evening class. it will give me time to excell in elementary algebra and my english 103 class. i rather receive two A's than receive so so grades from 3 classes.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

to tip or not to tip?

this is what i thought of the delivery person who brought me thai a few weeks back. unfortunately my speech class got canceled and i was exhausted when i got home. so i decided to treat myself and got some delicious thai food from mae ploy. perhaps this was a mistake in retrospect. i was a bit low on the cash, but i figured i was treating myself and i would bring the leftovers to work the next day. this meant that i wouldn't pay for lunch and that it was the right thing to do? i was too tired to think and ordered food anyway.

i remembered that i didn't have cash to give to the delivery guy. i wanted to hit up an ATM, but it was going to cut it close since it's already been 40 minutes that passed. i don't mind charging my debit card for deliveries, but i usually like giving my tip in $. my good friend mario called me at that moment and we started to catch up. but then i hear the knocking on the door. i put down the phone to get my food. i started to panic because i didn't have $$ for a tip, so at that moment, i signed the lil' paper and didn't give a tip amount. *dramatic music*

i didn't even put $1.00 on there because i figured it was the neighborhood silver lake and someone that makes more money than me can tip the guy. i didn't want to keep my friend waiting on the phone and i reacted too quickly. i gave him back the signed paper and said good night. feeling already shitty about it, i put my food in the kitchen and start to make myself a plate. all of a sudden, i hear another knock at my door. my friend on the other line even heard it because it was that loud. i put my phone down and get to the door, it's the delivery guy. he started demanding a tip and suggested that i should put one on the receipt. he didn't want to hear excuses and he started telling me that he doesn't get paid much and that i should tip him like everyone else.

ok. i know not tipping the guy in the first place was not cool. but the fact that he came back and demanded a friggin' tip, didn't make me think that i should of tipped him in the first place. it also made me think if he would of asked a guy the exact same thing. don't mean to go there, but i couldn't help thinking so while he started giving me a hard time for this. he kept going on and on until i yelped, i am broke ok and you got to leave now. he stopped, smiled and said that he understood not having enough money and then i closed the door in his face. my friend heard the whole thing on the other end of the phone and was being supportive. "a tip isn't mandatory and you should call the restaurant back and tell them how he was to you." i was already feeling shitty and this delivery guy didn't make it any better at all. if i would of put a dollar on the receipt, i could of avoided this completely. but i still thought the way he was talking to me was very rude.
it was hard to enjoy the yummy thai food that evening. i felt like curling up to a ball and never ordering delivery ever again. now i can look back at it and laugh, because it really is hysterical. it sounds likes something that would happen on a TV sitcom. i told m.v.f. about the whole thing and he was cracking up, along with asking "why didn't you tip him again?" blug.

in other news, i am almost done with my winter session of speech class and i start my spring semester next monday 2/8. i'll be in class 4 times a week again and now i am taking 3 different subjects. i am taking 11 units, which is the most i've taken even while working full time. but i feel like i am ready to take this on, i really want to get a lot of school accomplished this year. i am also going to get myself a laptop!! since i am in school all of the time and always on the go, i figured this may be the best thing for me. i was thinking about getting a new computer. but if i get a lap top, i don't always have to be stuck at my house doing homework all the time. i can get some coffee, do my homework, be on facebook, be productive with my blog, get back on facebook. ;) i am stoked about getting a laptop though. yay. :)