Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Stop saying you'll go gay for Rachel Maddow

OK. I was looking for a photo of her on photobucket and the first page came up with no photos of her at all. But this photo was first to show up and I had to put this...

Aren't they the cutest couple? I have to admit, this photo makes me wanna barf a little bit. OK. Back to business. :)


I have to admit that I became a bigger fan of Maddow after her show premiered on MSNBC. M.V.F has always talked about her because he listens to Air American all of the time and I have heard of her before. But I didn't realize how HOT she was until I started watching her show. Go figure. I love Maddow because she totally kicks ass when it comes to breaking down all types of politics. A lot of people think she's completely on the left and that's not really the case. She may seem like she's on the left because she asks questions to everyone, no matter what party they're affiliated with. She'll grill republicans, democrats, third party, men and women. She'll fuck you up with her knowledge and teach you a thing or two. Along with the fact that she has said publicly that she HATES wearing face makeup for her MSNBC show. That's fucking HOT! ;)

Since her show has been crazy successful, she's getting A LOT of publicity. Which is a good thing because she fucking rocks right? Her interview on Conan and Colbert Report were great. Her interview on Jay Leno was awkward along with the audience not responding to her political jokes, but she made the most of it. She's been written about in The Advocate, Bitch Magazine, New York Times, Out Magazine and a bunch of others magazines ad web sites. But one this that has annoyed the hell out of me are women who post comments saying "i'd go gay for maddow for sure!" and "i'm straight, but i would have sex with maddow"

These types of comments have been totally annoying me since she's made it big. Can't we live in a society where it doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is? Why even say you're straight, gay, lesbian, bi, etc? Can't we just say who we would crush out on without any kind of repercussions from our friends and family? Are those types of woman (which I am ASSUMING are of them are straight) totally rethinking their sexual orientation? Are their boyfriends watching where they comment and using it against them? Can you imagine that conversation?

Man: Hey honey. I saw that comment you left on Huffington Post earlier today about Rachel Maddow. Would you really go gay for her?

Woman: I think I would. She's cute.

Man: Hmmm. Do you think you like women since Maddow is a woman? I thought you were straight. Gee whiz, I don't think I know who you are anymore!?!?

Woman: I'm sorry. It was "gay" for me to say that. I only like men babe. Who reads the Huffington Post comments anyway?

*end scene*

I DO BITCH! This confidant bisexual lady reads your comments about how you would go gay for Maddow and then I realizes that people really sound like they're 12 yrs old when they leave comments like that. Many of the gays/lesbians I know in my life have crushes on guys/girls, but none of them never say they'll go straight for them. Because most of them know better than to sound like a dick. Because when either a straight guy/girl says "i would go gay for __________", they really sound like an idiot.

Can we all do our part and stop saying this type of shit? :P

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