Tuesday, March 10, 2009

English 103

i am taking english 103 this semester at LACC. it's the final english class i have to take for my general education credits. recently i turned in my first essay of the semester. i knew it wasn't my best work. i was rushed and i didn't give it enough time or energy. i knew i wasn't going to get a high grade. fortunately i got it back on sunday evening and it had a B+ in the email. i opened his attachment and i saw numerous footnotes on it. i made many grammar errors on this essay. i was shocked that i got a B+, but i'll take it. :)

i went into class last night and my instructor started to pass out two example essays that he wanted to go over. when i saw the hand out, i realized he used my essay (w/o my name on it) to completely tear apart. i felt completely humiliated. yes, my name wasn't on the essay. unfortunately i did mention a few personal remarks that uncovered my queer girl roots and that made me feel singled out since i am the only queer girl in my class. i was crying at my desk because i was embarrassed with my bad grammar. it ruined my evening and i cried all the way home. i was crying when i got off the bus and i cried more when i got home.

i know my teacher wasn't trying to be malicious or hurtful. he's only doing his job and i respect that. i wasn't even crying or upset about the errors. just the process was completely demeaning and i would love it if he never does that to me or anyone in that class. my essay and the other better one both got B+ grades. This stupid bitch made a comment about how can my essay get a B+ with all the mistakes on it. (obviously she didn't know it was mine, but still...very annoying) he explained that even though the first essay had errors on it, that it was still exceptional because of the character of it. all of my points were strong, only my grammar and sentencing structure needs work.

i did email him last night about the whole experience. i also wanted to be clear that i wasn't upset about the grammar errors or the structure. i appreciate all of his corrections and feedback, but feeling singled out wasn't fun. :( his response was an apology and he didn't realize that i would respond that way. he promised he would give me a heads up if he ever used my paper as an example for future classes. he also stated that even with my errors, my paper was exception for english 103.

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