Friday, October 2, 2009

polanski raped a 13 year old girl

i've been reading up on this like crazy all week long. i'm sort of at the point of not talking about it anymore. but i hope polanski gets his ass over to the US and takes FULL accountability for what he did.

numerous "hollywood" liberals have been petitioning for polanski to not be prosecuted for the rape he committed over 30 years ago. whoopi goldburg came to his defense, saying that we don't know all the deets and it's happened SO LONG AGO, so what, who cares, that's Whoopi for ya. natalie portman, david lynch, woody allen (no surprise), pedro almodavar (who i fucking LOVE) and even the head of a fucking feminist organization thinks we shouldn't prosecute polanski for this.

but the back of my mind can't stop thinking of the fact that he DRUGGED and RAPED a 13 year old girl. sources say the victim has "forgiven" him and chose not to prosecute him. honestly i don't know if we can fully believe her. only because the LA Times release an article today about how polanski tried to pay her and her family off with the cheddar back in 1993. why in the HELL would he try to do that if he was INNOCENT. Hmmm....maybe it's because....


all polanski had to do, back in the 70's, was to turn himself in to the LAPD. honestly because of his class and white status, he would have not done as much time as he thought he would have. i'm sure he would have gone to jail, but would have been released early for good behavior, or pay a crazy ass fine. instead, the asshole left the country and never looked back. instead in 2002, when the academy gave him an honorable oscar for rape, no, it was for his movies.

yes he only did it one time. yes we can be spending our tax money on other things that are more "important". the victim is older now and what satisfaction would she get out of this now?! (people actually think that?!?) but i can write more and more on how this asshole is slime....or i can pass the mic to chris rock.

chris rock rocked my world last night. he was on the jay leno show and dumb ass leno (sorry, but i don't find leno's homophobic, racist ass funny) briefly mentioned polanski. chris rock's reaction is PRICELESS and WAAAAAY long overdue. i'm glad someone in fucked up hollywood has some god damn sense.

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