Tuesday, July 7, 2009

it's already july?!?

WTF?!?!? this summer is flying by too darn quickly. since it's been a while since i've written anything on here...i'm just going to ramble off for real. :-)

i can't believe michael jackson passed away less than two weeks ago. his memorial service at staple center, his casket glowing in the front of the stage. watching mariah carey sing "i'll be there" made me a wee bit teary. she pulled it together, even though her emotions were weighing in on her. who could blame her though? she was singing at MJ's funeral!?!? but watching stevie wonder's performance was unforgettable. you HAVE to watch this.


maya angelou's poem read by queen latifah was the SHIT! queen latifah kept it real, but she also kept it classy. she was great!!! please check out her speech.


these particular parts of MJ's memorial really struck a cord with me. overall, the service was sweet. even though i wanted to punch the wall every time joe jackson was called a great father, i was trying only focused on the positive. i was also fortunate to watch it while working, but i really wanted to watch it at home. thank the universe for youtube.com.

it's been GREAT not having to go to school this semester. :-) i know i must take english 103 over this coming fall at LACC. i got to get the F off my transcript. a part of me would like to take another course, but i've also been doing much self reflection. i lost myself this past semester, working full time and going to class 3 times a week. i don't even want to feel that crazy ever again. if this means i only take one course this fall, so be it. i rather have my sanity than lose myself over the bullshit of college. i know i want to get my AA degree in liberal arts, and i will get that in time. but i also want to enjoy my years living in los angeles ,without college consuming my soul. i know that line came off dramatic.....as fiona apple says "oh well..."


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